Professional training in Zen Shiatsu and Yoga

Learn the art of listening with your hands

Holismos International School of Shiatsu has been active since 1996. In all these years we have successfully trained dozens of shiatsu practitioners, both in Italy and in other European countries.Our training course complies with the main European associations and federations. In recent years we have taken our school to the next level, giving birth to an international training body. Holismos International School of Shiatsu operates today in Italy, Spain, and Greece.


HOLISMOS INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF SHIATSU offers the opportunity to embark on a journey of learning and discovery, with a completely new modality: that of three fully residential courses. We offer the opportunity to concentrate on the program, normally developed over a year, in only 21 days. Three different levels are offered (three weeks for each level), in an amazing natural setting, in front of the sea, the perfect location to get away from everyday life and immerse yourself in a new adventure. Every level will consist of 15 hours of online tutorials and Q&As.

HOLISMOS INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF SHIATSU follows a program conformed to the criteria, principles, and style inspired by the teachings of Master Shizuto Masunaga, integrated with a basic understanding of traditional Hatha yoga. There is no lack, however, of references and citations to other ancient and modern Schools of thought on the meaning of Energy and its multiple expressions in man.

The study program proposed by HOLISMOS INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF SHIATSU integrates the theoretical/practical learning of Shiatsu with a substantial component of classical Hatha yoga as well as postural analysis and rebalancing (able to make the practitioner’s movement dynamic, fluid, and effective), together with a good knowledge of functional Anatomy, the latter useful also to allow the future Practitioner to dialogue with the other health professionals without impediments.

Zen Shiatsu ( this is the term coined by Master Masunaga) can be defined as an Energy Medicine that works directly with the life force, thus promoting greater vitality, resilience, and adaptability. Because of these characteristics, Zen Shiatsu is effective in maintaining and promoting health, as well as decreasing symptoms such as back pain, irritable bowel syndrome and other digestive tract disorders, asthma and other respiratory diseases, insomnia, menstrual pain, headaches, stress, anxiety, arthritis, and joint pain.

Today Shiatsu is practiced everywhere; even in hospitals, spas, wellness centers, protected facilities, prisons, etc. HOLISMOS INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF SHIATSU offers a new concept of training school, which goes beyond the classic training proposals, favoring all-round knowledge, always remaining within the context of this ancient art called Shiatsu. In our school, shiatsu is complemented by a good knowledge of classical Hatha Yoga, functional Anatomy, Physiology, and postural techniques. Some of the lessons will also include basic biochemistry and nutrition, kinesiology, myofascial work, and yoga therapy. We believe that it is time for Shiatsu to take a quantum leap and we want this to be a distinguishing feature of our school. We are creating and empowering the new generation of holistic therapists. Get in touch to find out more!

Why /Yoga/MTC/Shiatsu together?
Whoever works in the field of Traditional and Energetic Medicine can rightly be called a Naturopath, as this ‘bioenergetic’ practitioner comes into contact with natural phenomenal aspects and their constant fluctuation, trying to decipher their parameters and their influence on the human being. This type of research brings him into contact with sciences and cultures that share the same purpose: the harmony of the individual through methods of investigation and reorganisation such as Yoga, TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) and Shiatsu. 

These ancient disciplines are permeated by very similar concepts in that they share the same aims: understanding of the Self and service to Humanity through touch, breath, treatment, concentration and meditation.




After the completion of each level you will receive a certification from our School “Aletheia”. As students come from various countries we advice each one to join their own country’s Shiatsu Associations. Aletheia offers a complet program conformed in every possible detail with the guide lines set forth by the European Shiatsu Federation. This federation represent a coordinatory institution between the single federations, setting base guide lines and European Standards. At the end of the third level and after passing an examination and submitting three history cases and a final dissertation, you will be entitle to obtain the school’s diploma as Professional Shiatsu Practitioner. This certification will allow to work anywhere in the world, according to local legislations on the matter. You will also be able to apply for recognition in your country’s association or federation.



This course can also be intended as a complete introductory course with no obligation to continue with the two following levels. 

During this course, participants will learn to perform various basic movements and some simple sequences on the recipient, placed in prone and supine positions.

The student will also acquire the basic knowledge for the correct execution of the main asanas of classical Hatha Yoga, as well as pranayama, meditation, and mudra. For a better understanding of the subject will be necessary to explore the philosophical universe related to classical yoga, with a special interest in the therapeutical value of yoga. This information will contribute greatly to the training and transformation of the student into a competent Shiatsu Practitioner.

Each student will gradually develop, through specific exercises and relaxation techniques, a different awareness and perception; they will become familiar with some elementary theoretical notions of Traditional Chinese Medicine, leaving in-depth study to be the prerogative of an eventual continuation of their studies.

At the end of the course, participants will be able to perform a complete shiatsu treatment, integrating movement, asana, and pranayama as integrative support for the patient.  At this level, he will be able to perform a full treatment with family and/or friends, capable of bringing a sense of psychophysical relaxation and general well-being.

Participants will receive a CERTIFICATE OF PARTICIPATION.

Topics covered

  • The concept of ‘holistic’ medicine and the importance of ‘Salutogenesis’.
  • Western and Eastern approaches to health and healing.
  • What is Shiatsu: how it works, why it is effective, historical background
  • Vital energy and the basic concepts of Traditional Chinese Medicine
  • Posture and attitude
  • The principles of “right” pressure: “Applying” the weight of the body, The concept of HARA.
  • Correct use of pressure instruments: the palm of the hand, thumb, fingers, elbow, the cut of the hand- Practical demonstration of a general treatment
  • Treatment of the recipient in prone and supine position
  • The main (so-called classical) meridians, their function and location
  • The concept of energy assessment and energy-structural analysis of the back (the diagnostic areas)
  • Anatomy and Physiology: the cell, tissues, skeleton, joints, main muscles
  • Yoga exercises, Stretching of meridians, Do-in, meditation and relaxation
  • Classical and non classical pranayama tecniques, Hasta Mudra
  • Principles of yoga therapy
  • Aspects of Eastern and Western philosophy related to the holistic view of the human being
  • The concept of Qi / Ki or vital energy


During these three weeks, students will deepen those aspects of Traditional Chinese Medicine that are relevant and useful for practicing high-level Shiatsu treatment. More advanced concepts of energy assessment will be introduced and different pressure techniques from the first residential will be introduced.

The students will also deepen their practice and understanding of classical Hatha Yoga

Kata (sequences) in lateral and seated positions will be studied and integrated manual techniques from other disciplines will also be explored.

Topics covered

  • Introduction of advanced concepts of Traditional Chinese Medicine: The 5 elements theory, Zang-fu theory, shu and mo points, yuan points, the main points of each meridian (tsubo) and their indications
  • Assessment of abdominal energy areas, Anpuku
  • The eight diagnostic rules and the concept of Kyo-Jistu (empty and full) 
  • The four diagnostic modalities useful for a correct Shiatsu treatment or four Shin (Bo-shin, Setsu-shin, Mo-shin, Mon-shin)
  • The Kata of the lateral and sitting position
  • Knee and foot pressure
  • How to carry out a correct anamnesis (what to ask for, what information is useful, how to interpret the client’s answers and requests)
  • Treatment of the classical meridians in the four katas (positions) adopted so far
  • Anatomy and physiology of the main body systems: respiratory, circulatory, digestive, urogenital, endocrine, immune, nervous system
  • Yoga exercises, Stretching of meridians, Do-in, meditation and relaxation
  • Aspects of Eastern and Western philosophy related to the holistic view of the human being

Participants will receive a CERTIFICATE OF PARTICIPATION.



During this third and final phase, the characteristic principles of the system defined as ZEN SHIATSU, as elaborated by Master Shizuto Masunaga, will be explained in more detail. Great care will be taken so that our students can successfully manage the therapeutic relationship with the client and build together with him/her a program of Shiatsu treatments suitable for establishing a process of salutogenesis and change. In this phase, we will study the extended meridian system according to Master Masunaga’s vision. Systems of evaluation and diagnosis will be extensively put into practice in order to perform a more specific and punctual treatment. Integrative body techniques and concepts from Yoga Chikitsa (Yoga therapy) will be introduced. Topics concerning nutrition, Moxibustion, Cupping, listening skills, mindset, stress, empowerment of the individual, etc. will be covered.

Topics covered

  • Understanding meridian extensions according to Master Masunaga
  • Treatment and energetic evaluation of the extended meridians
  • Various tsubo combinations for the treatment of various syndromes
  • Yoga therapy as an aid to Shiatsu treatment
  • The most common pathologies and syndromes that afflict each of us in our daily lives
  • How to manage data collection and set up a treatment
  • The figure of the Shiatsu practitioner in Europe, professional recognition, the main national and European associations, insurance, etc.
  • Ethics and correct behaviour of the Shiatsu practitioner
  • Shiatsu in hospitals. in protected residences and hospices
  • Energetical human physiology in yoga, comparison, and usefulness for the Shiatsu practitioner
  • How to improve the health and psycho-emotional state of the Shiatsu practitioner
  • Moxibustion and cupping techniques
  • Yoga exercises, Stretching of meridians, Do-in, meditation and relaxation
  • Aspects of Eastern and Western philosophy related to the holistic view of the human being
At the end of the third residential, there will be a theoretical-practical examination. To complete the three years fully professional training, an online presentation of three history cases and a mini-thesis will be requested.
At the end of all the work assigned, the “Holismos Professional Shiatsu Practitioner” diploma will be awarded.